

Brand re-design for theurapuetic horsemanship.

Brand Summary

SIRE was founded in the Houston area in 1983 and has been growing ever since. Now with 3 locations across the greater Houston area, SIRE is paving the way for equine education and providing a community where horses help people with special needs.

Define the Problem &
Why Does It Matter?

1 in 4 (26 percent) Americans have a disability whether its physical, cognitive or emotional.1 Disabilities can have an impact on communities, health and access to healthcare. Therapeutic horsemanship allows riders to improve muscle tone, balance, and coordination while enjoying exercise and learning in a positive, safe environment.

Research Takeaways

For many people, therapeutic riding is an effective, less expensive and fun alternative to traditional therapies. 86 percent of riders report that SIRE has been the best activity of all the various therapies and activities they have tried. It is reported by SIRE that 100 percent of their riders report growth in at least one of the following areas: strength, emotional stability or social skills.


Pain Points

  • Fearful—Riders or parents may feel overwhelmed or anxious with the size of the horse
  • Lack of trust—May believe there are no benefits in therapeutic horsemanship

1CDC, Disability Impacts Us All

Therapeutic Horsemanship Statistics

1GuideStar, SIRE, Inc

Target Audience

Based on research, SIRE serves adults and children with a wide range of special needs including, but not limited to cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, multiple sclerosis, developmental delay, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

“Riding has helped me learn to stay positive and follow instructions especially when around horses. It also taught me responsibility and doing chores like untacking the horse and brushing them after rides.”

—Mollie, 16, Down syndrome

“This program has made a huge impact on Mollie in so many ways. Physically, it’s helped her with balance and core, strength and range of motion. Cognitively, it’s helped her to memorize patterns; focus and concentrate on what she’s doing; do “hard” things that challenges her skill set and also boosts her confidence; tests her patience and helps her learn to have emotional control. It’s helped her with eye hand coordination and listening skills. ”

—Wendi, Mollie’s Mom

Brand Personas

How might we...

USP (Onliness)

Brand Voice

Brand Statement

SIRE is the only therapeutic horsemanship that offers horse riding and equine facilitated learning program to people with disabilities and challenges in the greater Houston area looking for an effective, less expensive and fun alternative to traditional therapies. 

  • Nurturing
  • Supportive
  • Enthusiastics

Nurturing Potential and Fostering Independence

What are some of the benefits
of therapeutic horsemanship?

  • Increased strength
  • Improved balance
  • Enriched social interactions
  • Increased flexibility
  • Improved coordination
  • Enhanced self-esteem

Mission Statement & USP

The mission of SIRE is to improve the quality of life for people with special needs through therapeutic horsemanship activities and therapies, and educational outreach.

SIRE is the only therapeutic horsemanship that offers horse riding and equine facilitated learning programs to people with disabilities and challenges looking for an effective, less expensive and fun alternative to traditional therapies.

What I learned:

This project allowed me to dive into accessible and inclusive design. I used a color contrast website to ensure the SIRE color palette would be well contrasted for all viewers. I also got to explore the EGD, environmental graphic design, for the barn and wayfinding. I learned how to use the space to its full potential.

With more time and resources:

I would love to update the original website and add a page where the riders can see what horses they can meet and ride. Also, creating a Facebook and Instagram to promote therapuetic riding and the benefits.