

Brand re-design for an anxiety reducing CBD sparkling drink.

Brand Summary

Established by a husband and wife, Jay and Janet, Bimble was created as a way to relieve stress without a hangover. Bimble is a CBD drink with 25 mg of the highest quality, domestically sourced CBD, CBG, CBN and CBC.

Define the Problem &
Why Does It Matter?

CBD products are commonly mistaken for THC or marijuana related products. Since CBD and THC (marijuana) are extracted from the same plant, people often confuse the two as knowing the difference between the two isn’t common knowledge.

Research Takeaways &
Pain Points

  • Confusion: People don’t know the difference between CBD and THC
  • Branding Approach: Minimal product differentiation between Bimble and their competitors
  • Information Overload: Large variety of CBD drinks on the market and people don’t know where to begin


CBD User Statistics

1L. Johnson, January 22, 2023, The Statistics on CBD: Who Uses it, How Do They Use It and Much More.
2Remedy Pain Solutions, CBD, CBG, CDN & CBC Explained.

Target Audience

Based on CBD statistics on users and reasons for use, 23% of CBD users range from mid 20s to 30s and familiarity and use decrease progressively in older ages. CBD use ranges from medical use to general wellness. For people using CBD to unwind and/or for general wellness, 25% prefer CBD as a drink or food. With a higher price, Bimble is targeted at customers who are in their mid 20s- to 30s who have a disposable income to spend on self-care and mental wellness.

Brand Personas

Competitive Analysis

Based on the COA, Certificate of Analysis, of the competitors, Bimble has the greatest amount of CBD, CBG, CBN & CBC in every drink. There is a gap in the CBD market for a drink that can be consumed at any time with the highest blend of cannabinoids.

How might we...

USP (Onliness)

Bimble is a CBD sparkling drink with a proprietary blend of cannabinoids with more CBD, CBG, CBN, and CBC, complimented by bold, rich flavors giving the user the“entourage effect”.

  • CBD (cannabidiol)—Benefits include no intoxication, better sleep, reduction in pain and inflammation, anxiety, seizures
  • CBG (cannabigerol)—Benefits include no intoxication, digestive and antibacterial aid, pain and inflammation reducing, and neuroprotection
  • CBN (cannabinol)—Benefits include no intoxication, antibacterial aid, neuroprotective properties, appetite-stimulation, and better sleep
  • CBC (cannabichromene)—Benefits include no intoxication, lower risk
    of cancer, neuroprotection, neuroregeneration, and analgesic benefits
  • Entourage Effect—Theory that all compounds in cannabis work together, and when taken together, they produce a better effect than when taken alone

Brand Voice

  • Quirky
  • Friendly
  • Honest


You’ll get it when you feel it.

Most people aren’t familiar with the benefits of CBD, therefore, the tagline can be explained to the consumer in three points. The user will understand what CBD is when they feel it through the entourage effect, understand the high price point, and have fun and relax like the people featured in the brand.

Mission Statement & USP

Bimble is for the calm conscious minds who deserve more out of their beverage. We know you have a lot on your plate, so we put a lot in our drinks.

Our proprietary blend of full-range cannabinoids gives you a calming effect like no other in next-level flavors. With a non-intoxicating, anxiety reducing drink, get more out of your day: Bimble sparkling drink.

What I learned:

This project taught me to think more conceptually and not just on what the look and feel will be. The concept needs to tie back into whatever service or product you are aiming to sell.

With more resources:

I would like to explore other flavors of drink while still expressing next-level experience.